Medical top Up cover For South African Medical Aid

When you do a bit of research and begin comparing the different medical aid schemes in South Africa, you realise the importance of medical top up cover. Without this gap cover, a stay in the hospital can be your financial downfall.

Rising medical costs make it necessary to have gap insurance while in a hospital. Your medical aid will only pay those bills which are in keeping with the medical scheme tariff guidelines.

Medical top Up cover gets You on your Feet again

Specialists charge way over the standard tariff, and your medical aid won’t pay for this. Without top up cover you will have to pay. It is safe to say that without medical top up cover, you’re looking at financial doom.

Medical top up coverCompare what the different medical aid schemes offer. Some won’t give you unlimited in-hospital benefits. You need to realise that there is a cap on the amount of coverage you receive while in the hospital. Which can turn out to be a real financial burden.This is when you realise that top up medical cover is your life saver.

A lengthy stay in the hospital can include theatre fees, ward charges, scans and consumables and even counselling. Just see how these all add up, you have to pay for everything.

The Product is Open to all Who are on a Medical aid

To benefit from medical top up cover, you must belong to a registered medical aid scheme. If you already belong to one, you qualify for this cover.

You might be one of those medical aid members who believe their medical aid covers them completely and that all your hospital stays are taken care of financially.

You should realise that your medical aid scheme will only cover a certain amount of your hospital- and doctors’ fees, no matter which medical aid you belong to in South Africa. Anything above the standard medical scheme tariff will not be paid for by the medical aid. You will have to pay it.

Payment into your account

Medical top up cover isn’t a medical aid policy – it’s a supplement to it – it does what medical aid doesn’t do. They will pay the top up amount directly into your account for you to settle the shortfalls.

If you haven’t got a medical aid yet, do research and check out what limitations exist with them. You can do a check up on your medical aid scheme policy to discover if you think you need a medical top up cover for your in-hospital benefits. Look to see if you have a cap.

There’s Excellent Medical Top Up Cover

On the South African market, you will find a range of medical top up cover companies like Complimed, Stratum and Zestlife who are worth investigating. They all know that ‘100% cover’ is misinterpreted as full, comprehensive medical cover.

Medical aid members can’t believe it when they have to fork up for major medical expenses. For a small monthly premium you can buy yourself protection and peace of mind.

Fill in and submit the form on this page to get your one free quote



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