These days, medical aid’s do not cover their members in full. Members often pay extra fees after a doctor’s visit or stay in the hospital. Curemed Gap cover offers a solution to this problem Members rest easy when they have gap cover. Unlike those who only have primary cover.
Medical Aids do not Fully cover you
Medical aids say they cover 100% of the medical aid rate. But this is not the same as 100% of the costs. The bill could, in fact, be twice the medical aid rate, which makes it 200% medical aid rate. For example, if the doctor charges you 300% of the scheme rate then you will be liable for 200% of the sosts. You will end up paying more than your medical aid does!
Curemed steps in to provide cover for this gap.
Curemed covers in-hospital costs as well as daily health expenses that your medical aid does not pay for. Most medical aid schemes lately just cover members for basic prescribed minimum benefits depending on the level of cover one is on. Curemed ensures that its members do not have to keep paying out of their pocket for unexpected expenses.
Most hospital procedures result in payment shortfalls. More often than not, doctors will charge much more than what the medical aid has set out as its maximum rate. This can go up to as much as 400% of what the scheme rate is. Without cover from Curemed, healthcare is simply unaffordable.
Curemed Gap Cover is Crucial
Gap cover has become a basic need. Curemed provides one of the best gap cover products in the market. Members should do proper research about which medical aid plan will suit their needs best. For instance, if one picks up that their medical aid will not cover them completely for certain procedures that they may need, then they need to consider gap cover to ensure that, should they need those procedures, they will not be left out of pocket with shortfall payments.
To apply for Curemed gap cover, members of any medical aid scheme need only complete one application form. To apply one does need to already be a member of medical aid. Gap cover does not replace medical aid. It is an add-on to your existing scheme.
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