Where to Get Medical Gap Cover

Gap cover is a short-term insurance product. It protects members from the burden of medical shortfall. Gap cover pays the difference between what experts charge and what medical aids pay out. Hence, many members want to know where to get medical gap cover.

There are several options available from various insurers.

Some aid schemes provide gap cover to complement their medical aid plans while other gap cover plans are offered by independent insurers.

Gap Cover Protects Members

It has become vital for people to get gap cover. Because medical aid plans fail to pay the full cost of health bills.

This gap in payment arises because the law does not regulate specialists in South Africa. Experts and private hospitals charge whatever they like. Some experts may even charge five times the suggested amount.

Further, medical aid schemes only pay standard rates. Which means members must then pay a huge portion by themselves.

Where to Get Medical Gap Cover

Where to get Medical Gap Cover

Our favourite gap cover provider is Zestlife. (Get a quote from them on this page just by completing and submitting the short form.

Zestlife Premiums for 2025


Zestlife Gap Cover Prices 2025

Ambledown also provides gap cover as they are an underwriting agency. They currently have over 150 000 policy holders.

They pay up to 500% of medical tariffs as prescribed in the National Health Price List.

These offers are over and above the Council of Medical Aid’s Prescribed Minimum Benefits that every medical aid scheme should cover as a basic for their members.

Albeit, Ambledown will only pay for their own prescribed doctors and hospital cover to a limited amount.

Ambledown does not require info on pre-existing medical conditions. Further, they have a waiting period of up to twelve months.

Stratum Gap Cover

The Stratum BASE 500 plan offers a comprehensive gap cover plan which pays up to 500% benefit on medical tariffs.

The plan also offers a premium waiver benefit where beneficiaries have their premiums paid up for a certain period after the death of the principal member.

Co-Payments, Oncology Benefit, Sub-Limit, Casualty and Accidental Death, Trauma and Counselling, are some of the key benefits received on this plan.

Where to get Medical Gap Cover; There are several options

There are several other gap cover brokers that one can choose from.

The crucial aspect is that before one signs up, they must carry out proper research on the terms and benefits of each one.

The member should also think about the cost and whether they will be able to afford it.

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