Medical gap cover without a waiting period

Gap Cover with no waiting period is available to South Africans. Usually, there is a three-month waiting period before new policyholders can claim for medical expenses.

This is a safety measure to minimise the financial risk of new policyholders.

Gap cover With no waiting Can help ease the stress

Unlike medical schemes, applicants for Gap Cover do not have to undergo medical examinations to qualify for the insurance. However, there are insurance companies that will offer Gap Cover from the moment you pay your first premium.

What company can provide me with a no waiting period

One of these enterprises than can provide you gap cover with no waiting period is Zestlife. However, unless as a result of injury or accident, they will not include the following procedures before the three-month waiting period.

Gap cover with no waitingClaims regarding childbirth to a ten month waiting period. A six-month waiting period, as well as 50% of the normal benefit for the second six months after obtaining the policy, applies to spinal surgery (including spinal fusion), arthroscopic procedures and joint replacements

Surgery related procedures for nasal (including sinus related), cataract, hysterectomy (excluding cancer diagnosed after joining), dentistry, hernia and cardiac disorders

Get more information

Some other companies offer Gap Cover without waiting periods, but most of these have exclusion clauses that consumers will have to investigate. They are urged to do their homework by thoroughly investigating all available options.

The internet provides loads of information, while professional advice from a broker can also help cement the final decision that will best suit the lifestyle and pockets of would-be Gap Cover applicants. With so many available different plans, there is something for everyone’s needs and price range.

Fill in and submit the form on this page to get your FREE gap cover quote. Note: gap cover is for medical aid members only



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