Testimonial About Medical Gap Cover


In a testimonial about medical gap cover, a client had this to say. “I have had a phenomenal experience with the medical gap cover facility, and I would like to tell others of how it has worked out well for my family and me and how it will help them.”

Complimed Gap Cover is not selective about which medical scheme you belong to.

They compliment any medical aid plan, and the benefits remain even when one decides to change to a new medical aid.

My Testimonial about Medical Gap Cover

Having taken out the Bonsave basic medical cover plan with Bonita Medical Scheme, we felt we were adequately covered as we are a healthy family. The Bonsave medical plan offers full

The Bonsave medical plan offers full hospitalisation cover at more than 100% of the Bonita Medical Scheme rates. It also provides comprehensive maternal and dental cover benefits.

Testimonial about medical gap coverThis said and done; our medical cover broker recommended that we get gap cover to manage the extra costs.

It turned out that it was cheaper to get gap cover than to try and upgrade our medical cover option.

We had last used our medical cover, over five years earlier for my polyp extraction from my uterus.

We took out the Complimed medical aid gap cover.

At the time of my polyp extraction, I was hospitalised, and the medical bills were much higher than the medical aid cover could pay for. I mean, just the anaesthetists’ fees were more than the medical aid would pay for.

Complimed gap cover paid for all the outstanding fees that the Bonsave Medical Aid would not pay for.

More About Complimed

Complimed gap cover is a short-term insurance product that aids in covering the gap between what the medical aid scheme will pay for and the amount charged by the medical facility or practitioner.

Gap Cover also pays for the members choice to get treatment from an expert, or facility, of their choice.

Although Complimed allows clients to select the expert or facility. They do request that the expert is a registered practitioner. This is meant to ease the claim process for any medical care enjoyed.

In the testimonial about medical gap cover; the client further states, “I enjoy peace of mind knowing that Complimed Gap Cover has got me and my family covered against  medical bills that have could wipe out all our savings.”

All members of a listed medical aid qualify for gap cover. Since no medical scheme pays in full, gap cover is crucial.

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