Sanlam Medical Shortfall Cover for All Medical Aids

Sanlam is renown for offering one of the most affordable gaps cover insurance in South Africa, with premiums starting from just R130 monthly. Read on for more on Sanlam shortfall cover.

The Gap cover fills the balance created between what doctors will charge you and your in-hospitals treatments and the limits set by medical aid plans.

The majority of South Africans exceed the Sanlam Shortfall Coverlimits laid down by insurance providers, and as such, they are forced to pay the difference, which may lead to enormous financial strains.

Nonetheless, do not get worried since Sanlam can resolve the problem for you, by offering you a package that is pocket-friendly.

Founded in the 1918’s, Sanlam is surely one of the biggest financial service providers in South Africa. What is more, their premiums are one of the lowest compared to other companies.

Sanlam shortfall cover products available are

  • Comprehensive Gap Cover (R152 monthly per family)
  • Standard Gap cover (R125 monthly per family)

Also, the two products are available to Discovery and Momentum health cover policyholders. However, policyholders from other insurance companies within South African are eligible for application.

Qualification requirements

  • Member of a registered health insurance provider
  • Maximum age limit of 61
  • Covers children up to the age of 26, and should belong to the same health cover as the principal.
  • For maternity benefits and pre-existing conditions should wait for 12 months.

However, Sanlam does not cover, dentistry, but the benefit is available to comprehensive policyholders and only covers cases of cancer tumours’ and trauma.

Treatments excluded by Sanlam shortfall cover

  • Aesthetic surgery unless medically subscribed dues to cases of cancer.
  • Obesity treatment and claims exceeding six months.

Also, payments upon verification go directly into the policyholders’ account. As such, only in-hospital claims have cover.

To get a FREE gap cover quote, complete the form on this page.



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