Many South Africans wrongly believe that their medical aid scheme will cover them fully. They think they won’t have to pay extra fees. That is until they receive a shockingly high medical bill. The truth is, your scheme will not pay 100% of your medical costs. Nor will they allow you to visit the doctor of your choice if they are too expensive. Your aid may not even pay for you to stay in hospital long enough to feel ready to leave. They will pay for a few days stay, and no more. That is why you should get medical gap cover quotes, and find the plan that works for you.
Of course, people naturally to want the best for their loved ones and themselves.
Most people don’t realise there’s a vast gap between what some medical experts charge, and what their scheme pays out. This happens because many experts don’t adhere to Medical Scheme Tariff rates.
Free of any regulatory body, private practitioners can charge whatever they want. Raising their prices to many times the already-generous recommended MST rates.
Most of us don’t realise we are liable for these costs. A long hospital stay could even result in members paying for mundane consumables. Such as gloves, syringes and sponges.
The bottom line is, your medical aid will not pay for everything.
So why get medical gap cover quotes?
A medical gap cover is a unique form of short-term insurance, written to enhance your existing medical scheme. Gap Cover pays the bills that would otherwise be your responsibility – the dreaded hidden costs to your schemes ‘full cover’.
Medical gap cover gives you more freedom when it comes to your choice of medical practitioner, and it prevents abrupt and likely financially crippling medical bills.
In general, there are two kinds of gap cover. One pays a maximum fixed percentage of MST rate – usually about 4 or 5 times the recommended tariff – while the other offers to equal your medical aid’s contribution to the procedure or treatment.
There is a growing demand for this kind of product, and one of the market favourites is the Liberty Health Medical Gap Plan.
The Liberty Health Medical Gap Plan
(Remember, to qualify for Liberty’s Gap Plan, you must be an existing medical aid or hospital plan member. It doesn’t matter who it’s with; we’ll cover you).
The Liberty Health Medical Gap Plan is becoming popular with more and more South Africans as they realise the benefits offered by our policies.
With a cover up to 500% of MST rates, you can rest assured that you’ll receive the quality of medical treatment you deserve, without huge bills.
Liberty will automatically cover your dependents. Granted that they are members of your medical scheme. Further, Liberty can cover your extended family as well.
Because many treatments, consultations, or even admissions may require a cash “co-payment” as stated in your medical plan, Liberty Gap offers co-payment cover, freeing you from the need to raise a sudden lump-sum before you can receive medical attention.
Liberty Gap welcomes members of all ages, as long as they meet the basic medical policy requirements.
It’s easy to apply for Medical Gap Cover Quotes. Just complete and send us the form. It’s free of charge and convenient to request a quote