Gap Cover on the Internet

The Internet provides people with a large amount of information. It is possible to get detailed information on just about any topic. This is also true of gap cover. Here in this article, we will have a look at gap cover on the internet.

Gap cover is not the same as medical aid. Gap cover can only be purchased if you are already a member of a medical aid. So gap cover is similar to insurance and is there when you need it most. It will help you to pay hospital accounts when the medical aid does not pay the full account.

Most gap cover options are focused on treatments in-hospital. There are many options which will also provide you with additional benefits in- and out-of-hospital.

Medical aid rates – Gap Cover on the Internet

The medical aid will set a rate which medical professionals use a basis for their fees. The medical aid will then provide you with cover at a set percentage for certain specialists and procedures, for example, 300% the medical aid rate. This is the amount that the medical aid is willing to pay for a specific treatment.

Gap Cover On The InternetMedical professionals often charge significantly more than the medical aid rate, for example, 500%. This means that the medical aid member is responsible to pay the rest of the account.

Few people will have this money available and will turn to gap cover as a potential solution for future in-hospital treatments.

Gap cover

Gap cover from a reputable provider will cover the additional costs of being in-hospital. Some gap cover products also pay for co-payments, treatment and cancer medications, or have other benefits.

Gap cover is inexpensive but can protect you from unexpected costs or expensive treatments.

Examples of Gap Cover on the Internet

The Internet has many examples of how gap cover can be beneficial to medical aid members.

A tonsillectomy done in-hospital can be estimated to cost R4200. The medical aid is only willing to pay R2400 of the medical accounts. This means that you will need to pay the remaining R1800 from your own pocket. You payment is known as a co-payment.

If you have gap cover then you simply send the medical bill to the gap cover provider. The gap cover provider will then pay the remaining R1800 of the account.

Another example is when a dependent might need to have a gastroscopy. The medical aid is paying some of the bills but you are responsible for a co-payment of R3600. You can claim this from the gap cover provider.

Internet and gap cover – Gap Cover on the Internet

Finding information about gap cover on the internet is easy to do for anyone. There are many options available. Gap cover information, like this article, is also available to you.

Consider the gap cover options available and choose the best one for your family. You can also apply for gap cover online.

Fill in your details and click on the Get A Quote button to get a gap cover quote.
(This offer is for members of medical schemes only)



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