Linksave Gap Cover Helps Cover Unexpected Medical Expenses

Linksave gap cover offers Medical aid members some extra relief and assurance. Sadly, medical schemes do not cover all health expenses. Linksave steps into this gap to rescue members from having to pay these funds out of their own pockets. This type of cover is popular and is becoming even more and more crucial.

Gap Cover is Crucial

Because many medical aids have become so strict. Many doctors refuse to treat patients who do not have gap cover. This may be due to aids not paying doctors in full and patients being unable to cover the shortfall. Linksave is the answer. In fact, they cover what medical aid will not cover, or cover sufficiently. Linksave was one of the first Gap insurance brokers in South Africa. They underwrite their own policies, which cuts out the need for a middle man.

Linksave Gap CoverLinksave Gap Cover offers

They have 5 cost effective products on offer which are: Gap Limit Booster; NetworkPlus; Gap Comprehensive; The Gap 500 Standard and Gap 500 Plus. Linksave covers all dependents up to the age of 25. provided that they are not married and are students.

Gap Comprehensive covers co-payments and deductibles to the member to a yearly maximum of R50000 for each insured family. Gap comprehensive boosts oncology cover by providing up to R200 000 extra for chemotherapy. A premium waver applies on the death of the main member. This applies to the insured spouse and kids of the deceased for a period of 24 months after their death.

Healthcare is unaffordable without Linksave

Indeed, Linksave steps in to provide cover for this gap. Most medical aid schemes lately just cover members for basic prescribed minimum benefits depending on the level of cover one is on. Most hospital procedures result in payment shortfalls. More often than not, doctors will charge much more than what the medical aid has set out as its maximum rate. This can go up to as much as 400% of what the scheme rate is. Without cover from Linksave, healthcare becomes simply unaffordable.

When medical aids say they will cover the bill at 100% medical aid rate, this should not be read the same as 100% of the bill. The bill could, in fact, be twice the medical aid rate. For example, if the medical aid rate is R10000 for a certain procedure and the bill comes in at R20000, medical aid will only pay R10000 leaving the member to pay the remaining R10000 to the doctor or hospital.

So don’t get by unexpected bills. Get a FREE Linksave Gap Cover quote. Just fill in and submit the form.



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