Elixi Gap Cover

Why is Elixi Gap Cover from Talksure so popular?

  1. They offer a number of excellent gap cover plans – Blue, Green, Purple, Black and Gold
  2. Elixi Gap Cover provide a host of value added products and services
  3. They’re an official financial services provider
  4. They’ve got many years of experience and know what it takes to care for- and protect customers
  5. Unlike other gap cover, they cover up to 500% of medical specialist or hospital cover


If you’ve discovered out of the blue that your medical aid doesn’t pay out in full for every medical procedure you have, you’ll want to know what you can do about it.

Even on the very best medical aid, there are medical expenses they do not cover. These bills can run Elixi Gap Coverinto literally hundreds of thousands of Rands.

You need medical gap cover because there are specialists and hospitals charging way more than the medical aid rate. Your medical aid plan won’t pay for any bills that go beyond the base medical aid rate. Without supplementary medical gap cover, you will have to pay it.

Medical gap cover isn’t medical aid, but it works in conjunction with your medical aid to cover the shortfall between what your medical aid will pay when you land up in hospital and what the specialist charges.

Who Provides this Vitally Important Gap Cover?

South Africa has a number of excellent medical aid gap cover providers of which Talksure is one. Talksure started in 2010 as an independent Financial Service Provider.

Talksure provides a host of value added products and services – products aimed to help and protect Talksure members.  One of these products is their gap cover. Talksure says that if you want to avoid those high medical costs, their Elixi Health can help.

Some facts about Elixi Gap Cover

  • it is part of the Talksure Group in South Africa
  • it isn’t a medical aid – it’s a medical insurance product
  • they offer their Elixir Health Blue, Green, Purple, Black and Gold Plans
  • Elixir covers up to 500% of the medical specialist cover
  • Includes minor GP procedures on all plans
  • each plan offers unlimited GP visits at their Unity Health Network Doctors, of which there are about 2000
  • unlimited acute medication on all plans
  • unlimited radiology on all plans except the Green Plan
  • in-patient hospital treatments for all plans except Blue
  • in-patient stabilisation treatment on all plans except Blue
  • out-patient casualty treatment on all plans except Blue
  • Emergency services on all plans except Blue
  • all plans have an HIV prevention- and trauma counselling benefit
  • Call a Doctor or Nurse benefit on all plans except Blue
  • Includes basic and emergency dentistry, optometry, pathology and maternity benefits on the Black and Gold Plans. The other plans have some of these benefits

You Gotta Have Gap Cover!

Talksure isn’t just for individuals but for family cover too, if the family all belongs to the same scheme. Between Talksure’s gap cover plans, you’ll find the cover you need.

There are waiting periods that need to be checked out, and when you claim, Talksure will pay out within 14 working days. Monies are paid to you and not to the doctors.

You only need to be caught off-guard once without medical gap cover to realise how essential it is. Gap cover from Talksure can make sure you’re always prepared for those medical shortfalls that are guaranteed to happen.

If you are a medical scheme member, you qualify for gap cover. Please complete and then submit the form on this page to get a quote right away




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