Gap Cover for Selfmed helps Pay the Bills

Are you a member of Selfmed Medical Aid? It’s a good scheme but do you know how much you are covered for if you’re admitted to a hospital?

Today, we think going to hospital is no big deal if we have medical aid.

And why should we worry when your medical aid promise to pay hospital expenses in full?

That’s where the problem lies – we falsely believe that all expenses are covered.

Let Selfmed medical Aid gap Cover save You from Debt

Selfmed Medical Aid

Selfmed does pay out fully for hospital expenses as prescribed by standard medical tariffs.

What that means is as long as you are charged standard medical tariffs, you are covered. If you think that this would be most of the time, you would be wrong.

It is common for the medical profession to charge more than the prescribed medical tariff.

And the difference could amaze you. If you are lucky, they’ll charge double the tariff. In many cases, however, they charge at least triple.

Gap Cover for the Rest

So, what happens with the rest of the bill? The portion that the medical aid doesn’t pay? Well, that’s left for you to sort out unless you have gap cover.

Selfmed Medical Aid gap cover will pay off the shortfall, the portion your medical aid doesn’t pay.

Can I Apply for Gap Cover?

The good news is that anyone can apply for gap cover. Some companies have a maximum age limit but most do not. However, you must be a medical aid member already.

If you have a pre-existing condition, you can still apply. There is a waiting period before cover for the condition begins. This is usually a year after the start of the policy.

Medical Gap Cover for Medical Scheme Members


How will It Affect my Budget?

Gap cover is not as expensive as you would think. The average cost of a policy is R300 to R600 a month, depending on what you choose.

The higher the cover level you choose, the more you can expect to pay. The premium usually includes cover for your family at no extra cost.

How is my Medical aid Affected?

Your medical aid plan is not involved. You can choose a completely separate company for the cover if you like. Your gap cover is run as a new policy.

How do Claims work?

Claiming from gap cover is slightly different in that you have to wait for your medical aid to pay their portion before you can claim.

You need to submit copies of the bills as well as proof of your medical aid’s part payment.

You will need proof of admission to hospital and that your medical aid membership is up to date.

Most companies ask for a certificate from the medical aid to confirm this. If the claim is approved, you receive the money directly.

To get a FREE gap cover quote, please fill in the form on this page



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