Gap Cover for LMS Fund Members

Some medical aids stand out more than others because they offer you the best returns on your hard earned money. Gap Cover for LMS members is one of these; they never compromise on quality.

They have also got some features on their fund which make it well worth a look. Gap Cover for LMS members offers cover for extreme- and professional sports. Also, they have extended benefits that cover a lot of day-to-day costs.

At LMS Medical Fund they make it their primary goal to care for people and to make health care as stress-free as possible. They like to believe that they care for their member in sickness and health. LMS Gap Cover is known for their great customer service, their Member Care programmes. As well as the fast and effective way that they process claims.

  • gap cover for LMS memberstheir hospital management programme guarantees members get the best care and value while in hospital
  • their chronic disease programme helps members to manage their individual chronic illnesses
  • LMS covers emergency hospital admissions. For medical emergencies, you can call ER24 on 0860 00 HELP/4357 or an ambulance on 084 124
  • their LMS Baby Programme is ideal for those having a baby and is for those on Traditional Ultimate, Complete- or Saver options.
  • beneficiaries of LMS Medical Fund travelling internationally for leisure, qualify for medical cover with their International Care Programme. The cover is up to R5 million trip for up to 90 days a trip.

Wonderful but they Can’t Always Pay

No matter how wonderful LMS Medical Fund cover is, there will be those times when the fund won’t pay for your medical bills. They may opt to part-pay them. Which is why you need this short-term insurance product. Because it is designed to provide that much-needed protection for those who already have medical aid, but whose medical aid won’t pay. Gap cover makes provision for the deficit between your medical scheme’s tariff (MST) and the rates charged by your private specialist.

Often, medical aids say they will cover you 100%. But that doesn’t mean they will pay all your bills. In this case, 100% means the most minimum cover. You will have to pay for the part that your medical aid won’t cover.
Everybody on a medical aid needs gap cover. In fact, you can’t buy gap cover without being on a medical aid. Gap cover can pay as much as 4x the NHRPL in the event of hospitalisation, also extending to out-patient treatments, and saving you from making these large payments.

If you’re stressing about where to find medical gap cover, South Africa has many excellent gap cover providers. Zestlife, Xelus, Stratum, Turnberry and Ambledown are just some of the leading authorised financial service providers you get.

Gap Cover for LMS Members is Designed for You

Do research and get the cover you need. The premiums of these gap cover providers are varied, with some being as low as R80 and other more comprehensive plans being R400 a month. LMS designed them to cater for various lifestyles and different budgets.

As an LMS Fund Member, you need medical gap cover if you want to steer clear of financial doom-and-gloom in 2017.

Complete and Submit the Form and we will send you a FREE Quote!



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